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We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism at our Sunday Masses. Families may choose any of the three weekend Mass options on most weekends throughout the year (excluding major celebrations such as Easter or Christmas). We do not schedule baptisms during the season of Lent.

There is a part in the baptism early on when the presider says “This Christian Community welcomes you”. How wonderful to have a large representation of the community welcome these children into our faith and into our parish. It is also a great sign to the community of our continued growth.


Parents must be registered parishioners and attend Mass regularly.  Godparents must provide a letter of suitability from the parish where they are registered.  One godparent must be Catholic.

Please call the Parish Office (330-533-6839) to begin the process of Baptism preparation, approximately 3-4 months in advance  of a potential Baptism date.

A Baptism Preparation Class is required for:

  • First time parents or

  • First baptisms at Saint Michael


Classes are offered monthly. You must attend only one session before baptism.       

         Baptism Classes for 2025: 


         January 22

February 26

March 26

April 30

May 21

June 25

July 23

August 27

September 24

October 29

November 19

December - No Class

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