Saint Michael Parish
Welcomes You
Contact Us
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:00pm
Friday 8:30am-3:00 pm
Click here for map.
Parish Information
To register in the parish, begin planning for the Sacrament of Marriage, discuss a Mass of Christian Burial, request Letters of Suitability to serve as Godparents or Sponsors, or seek any other parish-related information, contact Maxine Gordon, our Administrative Assistant at 330-533-6839.
Sacraments and Catechesis
To register your child(ren) for Youth Faith Formation (YFF), to inquire about the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), to begin the Annulment process, schedule a Baptism prep session, or discuss the preparation and celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Eucharist (and Reconciliation), and Confirmation, please contact Marcy Fessler, our Pastoral Associate at 330-533-6839.

Phone Numbers
Parish Office 330-533-6839
Parish Office Fax 330-702-0432
Family Life Center 330-533-3181

Email Addresses
Parish Office info@saintmichaelparish.net
Very Reverend John-Michael Lavelle
Marcy Fessler mfessler@saintmichaelparish.net
Stephanie Howley showley@saintmichaelparish.net
Maxine Gordon mgordon@saintmichaelparish.net
Audrey Geskey ageskey@saintmichaelparish.net
Contact Website saintmichaelweb@gmail.com
Saint Michael Parish will follow the Canfield Schools cancellation schedule for snow and cold. If the Canfield Schools
are closed or on a two-hour delay due to the weather, the 8:00am Mass will be cancelled and the intention rescheduled. The office and any other activities will also be cancelled or delayed, depending on the timing. Thank you.