Saint Michael Parish
Welcomes You
One in Hope, One in Mission
This weekend, we will begin our Annual Diocesan Appeal: One in Hope, One in Mission. Many of you have generously donated to the Appeal last year will receive a personalized packet from Bishop Bonnar in the mail. We will have additional brochures and pledge cards in the pews next weekend. The Annual Diocesan Appeal is the major solicitation in support of Catholic Charities and the Ministries of the Diocese, seeking to raise $4,000,000 throughout our 80 parishes in the diocese. Last year, our parish collectively raised $155,000. I am eternally grateful to everyone who made a gift last year. Our parish goal this year is $103,000 (our goal is in direct relationship with a percentage of our annual offertory, making it obtainable). I am asking everyone to prayerfully consider making a gift to the 2025 Annual Appeal. If we were able to add additional parishioners to the list of generous donors this year, the difference that could mean to our brothers and sisters in need in the area would be amazing. More information will be presented in the coming weeks.
In preparation, I ask that you keep everyone served by the Appeal in prayer and open your heart and mind to the work of the Appeal, using the Appeal Prayer below.
Thank you,
Father Lavelle
Rugged independence is a defining characteristic of our country. The U.S. is the “land of opportunity” where, through hard work and initiative, anyone can improve his or her lot in life. This “Can do” attitude fuels our dreams and the actions we take to achieve our dreams. But the story of Jesus’ temptation in the desert reminds us that our strength and deliverance come from God. His love and grace, not our own will or fortitude, are what keep us strong in the face of temptation and society’s pull away from Him.
Jesus was not alone during His desert time. He was “filled with the holy Spirit” and “led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days.” Like Christ, we are never alone. We may feel like we are during the difficult times of our lives, but our Lord is always with us, sustaining and strengthening us. His love is our armor.
We can share Christ’s protective love with those who need it when we support the Annual Diocesan appeal. When you are praying during this Lenten season, please consider the Annual Diocesan Appeal as a way of giving alms.
As we journey together as pilgrims
of hope, we give thanks for the many
blessings you have bestowed upon
the Diocese of Youngstown.
Guide us as we walk in faith, and
strengthen our hearts to share
generously for the work of the Church.
Through our support of the Annual
Diocesan Appeal, may we help bring the
light of Christ to those in need, fostering
hope and healing in our communities.
Bless all who give, and inspire us
to be living signs of Your love,
as we continue our shared pilgrimage
toward Your kingdom.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.