Saint Michael Parish
Welcomes You
Events and News
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ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL - One in Hope, One in Mission
Our Annual Diocesan Appeal: One in Hope, One in Mission is now underway. Many of you have generously donated to the Appeal last year will receive a personalized packet from Bishop Bonnar in the mail. We will have additional brochures and pledge cards in the pews. The Annual Diocesan Appeal is the major solicitation in support of Catholic Charities and the Ministries of the Diocese, seeking to raise $4,000,000 throughout our 80 parishes in the diocese. Last year, our parish collectively raised $155,000. I am eternally grateful to everyone who made a gift last year. Our parish goal this year is $103,000 (our goal is in direct relationship with a percentage of our annual offertory, making it obtainable). I am asking everyone to prayerfully consider making a gift to the 2025 Annual Appeal. If we were able to add additional parishioners to the list of generous donors this year, the difference that could mean to our brothers and sisters in need in the area would be amazing. More information will be presented in the coming weeks.
In preparation, I ask that you keep everyone served by the Appeal in prayer and open your heart and mind to the work of the Appeal.
Father Lavelle
We will be having Fish Dinners beginning March 7, serving from 4-6:30. To assist in keeping the price reasonable and working well in the kitchen, the dinners this year will consist of a choice of fried or baked fish, and a choice of ONE side, either French fries or macaroni and cheese. All dinners include bread and butter, coleslaw, dessert, and a beverage (the drink is for dine-in only). The cost of the meal is $15. See more HERE.
For individual prayer during Lent the church will be available Monday through Friday during regular office hours. Please use the door closest to the office, push the button and wait for the door to open.
On the Fridays of Lent (March 7, 14, 21, 28 and April 4 and 11), Mass will be held at 8:00am followed by Mary’s Way of the Cross at 8:30. This year, plan on making the Stations of the Cross part of your Lenten Journey. If you wish to pray the stations on your own, click HERE.
There will be a Lenten Communal Penance Service at St. Joseph in Austintown on Tuesday, March 25 at 7:00 pm, and at St. James in North Jackson on Thursday, April 3 at 7:00 pm. More information about the sacrament HERE.
On this evening, we will have the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation as we seek a clean heart in preparation for the celebration of the Paschal Mystery at Easter. Several priests will be with us as we join in prayer, song, and Scripture, as well as the graced time of personal confession.
Pope Francis says…
“Confession is more about God’s forgiveness than our sins. It is a ‘sacrament of joy,’ indeed a ‘feast,’ in Heaven and on earth. One does not go to confession as chastised people wo must humble themselves, but as children who run to receive the Father’s embrace. And the Father lifts us up in every situation, He forgives our every sin.Hear this well: God always forgives!”
Scripture Presentations: "There's Power in the Word of Luke's Gospel", March 26, April 2, April 9, 2025 - 6:30pm
The Power of God’s Word in Luke’s Gospel will be explored through five different themes, developed over three Wednesday evenings, March 26, April 2 and April 9, from 6:30 - 8:00pm in the church, presented by Barb Spencer. We will begin with Evening Prayer followed by the presentation. Please bring your Bible with you.
We are collecting personal hygiene and household cleaning items for those in need throughout our community. Any items may be placed in the bins located at the entrances of the Church. All items will then be distributed through Catholic Charities.
Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
Saint Michael Garden Guild will resume on Tuesday, March 25 at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. The evening will center on future planning for the club and discussing future speakers and other future events. Interested new members and guest are welcome!
To obtain a 2024 tax statement, please call the office and it will be ready in two days. Statements will not be done while you wait.
Can you add a can of yams?
We would prefer you not bring Spam.
We’ll take green beans tho if you can!
Our local Soup Kitchens/Dining Halls are in need of some assistance for their Easter meals. We are hoping that once again, Saint Michael Parish would be in the forefront of this project. Please bring unbaked packaged hams, colored eggs, etc. that would be a part of an Easter meal to the Parish Hall on Tuesday, April 15, between 10:00am and 3:00pm. We will be sorting and distributing the food to our traditional three Soup Kitchens. They will be serving Holy Thursday afternoon. If you have any questions, please call the parish office at 330-533-6839.
WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION for 25th, 40th, 50th and over
The Diocese of Youngstown is sponsoring a Wedding Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, May 18, at 2:00pm at the Cathedral of Saint Columba in Youngstown, honoring couples observing their 25th, 40th, 50th and over wedding anniversaries in 2025.
The Wedding Anniversary Celebration will include Mass with the Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, with the blessing of couples celebrating significant anniversaries. Each couple will receive a personalized certificate. Following the Mass, there will be a reception for the couples and their families in the parish hall.
You must make advanced reservations for this event by contacting your parish office and obtaining your pastor’s signature before April 25, 2025.
Friday, May 2, 2025. Doors open at 6:30pm - Races begin at 7:15pm. The cost of admission is $15 per person.
The event is a "BYO – BFF": Bring your own Bottle, Food & Fun!
We are looking for businesses or individuals to sponsor a race. The cost of this sponsorship is $250.00. Your name or logo will appear in the program, along with two free admission tickets. The cost to sponsor a horse is $25.00. Please contact the parish office at 330-533-6839 to sponsor a race or a horse. More information will follow in the coming weeks.
Can you help? We need a few more volunteers for Homebound Eucharistic Ministry. If you are a Eucharistic Minister and are interested in taking communion to the homebound, please contact Kay McCarthy at 330-533-4982.
Bishop Bonnar has asked that I assume the temporary role of Administrator of the newly merged Saint Pope John XXIII Parish in Niles (the former Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Stephen Parishes). This is in addition to my responsibilities as Pastor of Saint Michael Parish, Canfield; Vicar for Missionary Discipleship; Diocesan Director of the Office of Development and Stewardship; and Diocesan Director of the Office of Communications. Father Bala Marneni will assist in the sacramental ministry of the parish while I will attend to the administration of the parish, along with an occasional weekend (possibly monthly). Thank you for your understanding during this time. It should be no great disruption to our schedule or activities here at Saint Michael.

Ongoing Events
Monthly Weekend Social Hour - second weekend of the month.
We will have wine and cheese after the 4:00pm Mass on Saturday and Coffee and Donuts between the 9:00 and 11:30am masses on Sunday. Please plan on joining us as we seek to spend more time with each other.
A group gathers in the pews near the Holy Family Statues for an oral recitation of the rosary the 1st Saturday of the month at 3:15pm. Please call Mary Ann Camardo (330-286-3432) for more information.
Please join us on Tuesday mornings (unless there is a funeral) at 11:00am in the church to say the Patriotic Rosary. For more information call Kate Pavlich (330-533-2432).
FITNESS FUN is a safe one-hour total body exercise workout, which includes a warm-up, weight training, body conditioning and toning exercises, both standing and on the floor, low impact aerobics, and a cool down. All exercises are choreographed to Christian and popular music of the present and the past. The class meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 10:00am in the lower level of the Parish Hall. Interested persons may join anytime.
Please wear comfortable clothes, proper shoes, and bring a mat for floor work.
The Family Life Center Gymnasium is now open four days a week: Monday through Thursday, from 9:30am to 11:30am. Parishioners are invited to come and walk for healthy exercise and companionship. Walkers are requested to stop in the open meeting room across from the restrooms to store their coats and change from outdoor boots and shoes to indoor athletic or walking shoes—required to protect the FLC floor. Now there is no need to go to the mall to exercise. This is a great opportunity right here at home to walk your way to a healthy lifestyle. Please enter through the side door.

If you would like to schedule a meeting or event for any of our parish organizations, or schedule a rental anywhere in the Parish Hall, or Family Life Center, please contact Facilities Manager Audrey Geskey at 330-533-3181 or email: ageskey@saintmichaelparish.net