Saint Michael Parish
Welcomes You
Events and News
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From the Pastor:
There will be a special “second collection” on the 2nd weekend of each month to allow anyone and everyone to participate in providing the new statue of our parish patron, Saint Michael, for our Church. The carving was created in Italy and has been positioned in the area to the right of the Tabernacle as a Shrine to Saint Michael. Thank you in advance for your combined generosity to this project. The shrine was blessed and dedicated at the 11:30 Mass on September 29 by Bishop Bonnar.
See photos Here.
"Prayer to Saint Michael" Here.
Monthly Weekend Social Hour - second weekend of the month.
We will have wine and cheese after the 4:00pm Mass on Saturday and Coffee and Donuts between the 9:00 and 11:30am masses on Sunday. Please plan on joining us as we seek to spend more time with each other.
We are in the process of posting the final contributions for 2024, including the many offertory gifts received for Christmas. As such, 2024 tax statements will be available beginning Monday, January 27. To obtain a statement, please call the office and it will be ready in two days (beginning on the 27th). Statements will not be done while you wait.
Beginning the weekend of January 11/12 we will start a month-long tennis shoe collection for young people in need in our area. Canfield High School National Honors Society members Lauren Smallwood and Jenna Wilkeson will oversee this collection, including the organizing of the shoes and assisting with the distribution to various charities in our area. We are asking for BRAND NEW tennis shoes, youth through adult sizes. They can be placed in the large black bins by the entrances. See flyer HERE. Again, thank you for your generosity to all our projects and collections here in our parish.
Our 2025 Parish Calendars are available at the doors of the church. Please take only 1 per family.
Bishop Bonnar has asked that I assume the temporary role of Administrator of the newly merged Saint Pope John XXIII Parish in Niles (the former Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Stephen Parishes). This is in addition to my responsibilities as Pastor of Saint Michael Parish, Canfield; Vicar for Missionary Discipleship; Diocesan Director of the Office of Development and Stewardship; and Diocesan Director of the Office of Communications. Father Bala Marneni will assist in the sacramental ministry of the parish while I will attend to the administration of the parish, along with an occasional weekend (possibly monthly). Thank you for your understanding during this time. It should be no great disruption to our schedule or activities here at Saint Michael.
Ongoing Events
A group gathers in the pews near the Holy Family Statues for an oral recitation of the rosary the 1st Saturday of the month at 3:15pm. Please call Mary Ann Camardo (330-286-3432) for more information.
Please join us on Tuesday mornings (unless there is a funeral) at 11:00am in the church to say the Patriotic Rosary. For more information call Kate Pavlich (330-533-2432). Read more HERE.
FITNESS FUN is a safe one-hour total body exercise workout, which includes a warm-up, weight training, body conditioning and toning exercises, both standing and on the floor, low impact aerobics, and a cool down. All exercises are choreographed to Christian and popular music of the present and the past. The class meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 10:00am in the lower level of the Parish Hall. Interested persons may join anytime.
Please wear comfortable clothes, proper shoes, and bring a mat for floor work.
The Family Life Center Gymnasium is now open four days a week: Monday through Thursday, from 9:30am to 11:30am. Parishioners are invited to come and walk for healthy exercise and companionship. Walkers are requested to stop in the open meeting room across from the restrooms to store their coats and change from outdoor boots and shoes to indoor athletic or walking shoes—required to protect the FLC floor. Now there is no need to go to the mall to exercise. This is a great opportunity right here at home to walk your way to a healthy lifestyle. Please enter through the side door.
If you would like to schedule a meeting or event for any of our parish organizations, or schedule a rental anywhere in the Parish Hall, or Family Life Center, please contact Facilities Manager Audrey Geskey at 330-533-3181 or email: