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From the Pastor:

There will be a special “second collection” on the 2nd weekend of each month to allow anyone and everyone to participate in providing the new statue of our parish patron, Saint Michael, for our Church.  The carving will be created in Italy and will be positioned in the area to the right of the Tabernacle as a Shrine to Saint Michael.  Thank you in advance for your combined generosity to this project. It is our plan that the shrine will be in place by our Feast Day on September 29, when Bishop Bonnar will be with us.  We will bless and dedicate the new shrine at the 11:30am Mass that day, followed by our annual parish picnic. The Gallery Window Project should be completed by then as well and will likewise be blessed by the bishop.  Make sure to mark your calendars for this great day,



It’s amazing how quickly time moves.  It has already been a few weeks since many of our young people graduated from high school, and all our other young people brought to a close the school year.  I want to again congratulate all our graduates, but in a particular way, express my appreciation to three of our parishioners who have offered their service to the parish.  Both Benjamin Herrmann and Sarah Hlywa have offered their time and ministry as Altar Servers, and I am very appreciative of their service at our liturgies.  Jack Schiffhauer has offered his time and ministry to the parish at Fish Dinners, but especially in organizing the recent Easter Basket collection here at Saint Michael that surpassed everyone’s expectations.  These three individuals have received a scholarship from Saint Michael Parish to be used as they enter college in the Fall.  We wish all our graduates much success in their future endeavors, either in college or in entering the workforce.  Enjoy the summer and continue to be people of prayer in relationship with God.  God bless you all – Father Lavelle



We have re-instituted the distribution of the Precious Blood along with the Body of Christ at all our weekend Masses.  In preparation for this, and for a few other reasons, we will be making a few physical changes to the front portion of the Church.  The small section of pews in front of the Holy Family will be redesigned for those who are physically challenged. This space is closest to the accessible entrance and the accessible restrooms.  The section in the front will be restored with the extra pews we have on hand at this time.  We are in the process of obtaining a final quote for new pews and kneelers for the center sections of the Church.  Additionally, the small section of pews in front of the tabernacle will be removed to make ready for a small Saint Michael Shrine area to be dedicated on the Feast Day in September.  I realize that some people will be less than happy that they have been “displaced” from their seats, but we have more than enough room in the body of the Church for everyone.  Thank you in advance for your understanding.


We have completed the structural and technological work on the parish offices and have moved back into the renovated offices as of Monday, June 3.  At that time we will begin using our summer schedule of Monday through Thursday from 8:30am – 4:00pm (closed on Fridays). 


Ongoing Events


​​A group gathers in the pews near the Blessed Mother’s altar for an oral recitation of the rosary the 1st Saturday of the month at 3:15pm.  Please call Mary Ann Camardo (330-2286-3432) for more information.​​


Please join us on Tuesday mornings (unless there is a funeral) at 11:00am in the church to say the Patriotic Rosary. For more information call Kate Pavlich (330-533-24320. Read more HERE.

FITNESS FUN is a safe one-hour total body exercise workout, which includes a warm-up, weight training, body conditioning and toning exercises, both standing and on the floor, low impact aerobics, and a cool down.   All exercises are choreographed to Christian and popular music of the present and the past.  The class meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 10:00am in the lower level of the Parish Hall.  Interested persons may join anytime. 

Please wear comfortable clothes, proper shoes, and bring a mat for floor work.


The Family Life Center Gymnasium is now open four days a week: Monday through Thursday, from 9:30am to 11:30am.  Parishioners are invited to come and walk for healthy exercise and companionship. Walkers are requested to stop in the open meeting room across from the restrooms to store their coats and change from outdoor boots and shoes to indoor athletic or walking shoes—required to protect the FLC floor. Now there is no need to go to the mall to exercise.  This is a great opportunity right here at home to walk your way to a healthy lifestyle. Please enter through the side door.



If you would like to schedule a meeting or event for any of our parish organizations, or schedule a rental anywhere in the Church, Parish Hall, or Family Life Center, please contact Facilities Manager Audrey Geskey at 330-533-3181 or email:

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