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Electronic Giving: Automatic Withdrawal of Contributions


You might want to consider having your offerings automatically taken out of your checking or savings account (preferred method) or charged to a VISA, Master Card, or American Express credit card. Not only is this convenient for you, but it provides the parish with a more steady cash flow.


Please click HERE for our

"Authorization Agreement for Automatic Payment of Contributions" form.


Simply print out a copy, complete it, and return it to the Parish Office.

Thank you for furthering Christ’s Mission at Saint Michael through your sacrificial giving.

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Saint Michael Shrine

There will be a special “second collection” on the 2nd weekend of each month to allow anyone and everyone to participate in providing the new statue of our parish patron, Saint Michael, for our Church.  The carving was created in Italy and has been positioned in the area to the right of the Tabernacle as a Shrine to Saint Michael.  Thank you in advance for your combined generosity to this project. The shrine was blessed and dedicated at the 11:30 Mass on September 29 by Bishop Bonnar. 

See photos Here.

"Prayer to Saint Michael" Here.

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