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 Mass Intentions


All weekend Masses for 2025 are taken. There are still daily Masses available. If you would like to schedule a Mass, please complete the form below, include the $10 stipend and return the form to the parish office. 


Please note that In fairness to everyone in the parish, all Holy Day Masses, including Christmas and Easter, are celebrated for the people of the parish, living or deceased.  Additionally, out of fairness, Masses for Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day are celebrated for all our mothers and fathers, respectively.  The form also asks for a suggested date.  This is not a guarantee.  We will do our best to accommodate such requests, but on a first received basis.  You CANNOT come to the office or call on the phone to schedule a particular Mass.  To schedule your first Mass Intention, please complete the form and return it to the office via the offertory basket, the mail, or dropping it off in the office.  The form must be completed and include the $10 stipend.  This is the best way to adhere to the prescribed policy and be fair to everyone.  Thank you.

An alternative for Mass Intentions could be sponsoring a songbook, thereby having people pray for your loved one every week at Mass, or enrolling them in the Sacred Heart Society. 

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