Saint Michael Parish
Welcomes You
Men's Club
Purpose: To cohesively encourage and promote the religious and social activities of the men of Saint Michael Parish.
History: The Men's Club was organized in 1962 to promote the care and upkeep of the parish grounds.
During the past ten years, the direction of the Men's Club has been modified by addressing other needs of the parish.
Current activities include: "Mother's Day Breakfast", "Steer and Ear Roast", replacement of various needed kitchen appliances, participation in the Parish Picnic and Lenten Fish Fry. The group sponsors bus excursions to points of interest and casinos and attendance at Cleveland Indians baseball games. Monetary support is provided to Veteran Support Groups, Boy Scouts, Parish Picnic, Saint Michael Scholarship Committee, and other worthwhile charitable endeavors.
The Men's Club sponsors a number of Parish Activities such as the Mother’s Day Breakfast, attendance to an
Indian’s Baseball game, the Steer and Ear Dinner, and participation in our Annual Parish Picnic.
As our club ages, we experience an increasing need for extra help during these events. We would welcome
active involvement in our monthly meeting and/or volunteering to help in one or more of the above activities.
If you feel a calling, please call Tom Eaton at 330-533-4911 or Mark Curtis at 330-702-9302.