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Our parish offices have temporarily relocated to the Family Life Center while renovations are underway in the current office space.The access to the offices will be through the side glass doors, with the office on the immediate right as you enter.  Other Staff members will be located in various parts of the building.

There are several goals to be achieved in the office renovation:

[1] The safety and security of all involved.

[2] A more welcoming facility to those unfamiliar with the offices.

[3] More appropriate meeting space.

[4] Upgraded and accessible restroom facilities.

[5] General improvements to the appearance and functionality of the office space. 


The first phase of the project, as often happens when working on buildings of this age, is asbestos abatement. 

Once this is done, we will be putting new flooring in the existing suite of offices.  Then the major work will begin on relocating and improving the restrooms (which will consist of two single person handicapped accessible restrooms).  Relocating the main office immediately inside the back entrance (where the current restrooms are located).  The current main office will be renovated into a conference/meeting room and the small conference room will become a music rehearsal room.  The current music room near the Sacred Heart Chapel (bell tower) will become a meeting/classroom for Faith Formation.  We hope to have much of this work completed by Labor Day. 


There may be times when the back handicapped entrance will not be able to be used for Masses.  Directions will be provided when this time comes.


Additionally, I met last week with the company that assists in our Church renovations and additions to discuss the pew project – refinishing the pews and replacing the kneelers in the two center sections of the Church.  Once we have their quote, I will present options for support and sponsorship of the project. 


I am also working with the architect regarding the refurbishment of the new parish residence located to the far north of the Church. 


There are a few other facilities-related projects in the preliminary stages that I will present over the summer. 


-Father Lavelle

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