Saint Michael Parish
Welcomes You

The Turkey Connection Thanksgiving Ministry


We are again collecting turkeys for thanksgiving meals for Saint Vincent DePaul Dining Hall, The Rescue Mission and Skip’s Café. The collection day this year will be Tuesday, November 26, 2024.
If you have been a parishioner of Saint Michael for a time, you know of the Turkey Connection. Each year we are asked to supply turkeys and all the “fixins” like stuffing, pies, potatoes, yams, rolls, etc. for a Thanksgiving meal to serve at these facilities. Since the city buses don’t run on Thanksgiving Day, the Thanksgiving meal will be served on Wednesday. Please bring these items (use disposable containers) to our Parish Hall on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 between 8:30am and 4:00pm
Thank you and God bless you for this and all you already do to bring the face of Christ to this small corner of the world.